Diet Ticker

Tuesday 29 June 2010


Since Monday Ive been back trying to lose my weight again. I haven't weighted myself that day but I saw myself at 144kg a few days before. The problem is that my home scales is the maximum of 140kg. Yeah I know since January my weight has increased all the time and I said I'd done something about it, but I never did and it came a time when now I only have a few clothes that fit me again and that I get really moody coz of me being so fat.

So I wonder why did I let my mind and will let loose and lose all momentum when I got to 130kg in January... maybe after getting Chicken pox I really didnt care about things and really just fancied eatting what i want and not care of my body...

I cant understand why ppl get into a rebound state thou, u hit that cycle of the way u eat, the way u wake up and live ur life and contiune to do that. Many times I said I would get back in the way of losing weight I focus on a few days then forget about it and go back to the old horrible ways. Stop going swimming, stop walking in the mornings, stop using my mountain bike, stop eating healthier food. You get in a way and its hard to stop doing the easy life, the lazy life.

I know its only a day has gone past but I feel that Im focused again. Ive stopped buying food, sweet bread from the convience stores. I think the next big step for me is to start making my own obento boxes again. Getsu, Ka and Sui I buy obento boxes for me and two other teachers at 262 yen for then its dirt cheap but Im sure they are high in calories thou I tend to buy for me what I think would be low calorie obento boxes.

Lets keep my fingers crossed and try getting it down again