Diet Ticker

Monday 21 December 2009

Weigh in

132.8kg cant complain, had a rough week! Need to focus

Sunday 20 December 2009

My will power let me down

Its been a terrible week, on Friday I was Santa claus and was given biscuits for a thank you gift, after going home I eat alot of them, I guess I was just in a bored mood, (boredom moods are the worst, I know.. I felt bad. Then makes things worst I eat 5 slices of raisin bread in one day, white raisin bread, bloody hell it tastes great but eating too much of it was another mistake, if i eat things in moderation I wont feel guilty.

Its been snowing also pretty heavy too. I think going to Gero Onsen tomorrow will be called off. Shame would have been great to been in the Onsen and have snow falling while ur in an outside bath.

Tomorrow is weigh in, not really looking forward to it, oh well I guess we will just have to wait and see.

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Weights Ahoy!!

The 7th of Decemeber I was at 134.8kg Ive wrote it down on paper just not in here.

It's that time again, weigh in time, BOOM 133.2kg sweet!!!

I did work hard last week for it thou, went for a walk in the morning b4 work about a 40mins workout. Well I dont suppose u can call it a workout, just a walk really.
Also started back at the gym after a dodgy back left me out in the cold .
Abit worried about putting my back out again that I completely quit the gym until I have confidence that my back was feeling ok.

At the weekend I went to Yamachan. Its a chain restuarant and sell a famous Tebesaki chicken, I meet a guy from work at Kanayama.

Sunday 6 December 2009

I have to hide them

I have to stop weighing myself everyday, mid week I weighed meself and I was up 135.6kg. So I start thinking, how the heck have I added weight? Did I read correctly on Monday weigh in? All this unnessary bullshitting thinking is not needed. There is no need to weigh myself every bloody day. I never used to do it. I've now hidden the scales in the spare room away from my eyes. Hopefully my tempation not to scale myself will work.

Anyhow tomorrow will be weigh in again. Today is my rest day, I feel hopeless thou, I feel I should be doing some exercises. Just relax, chillout. I think I'm gonna make a big batch of chicken curry.

Last night I had buri fish (yellowtail back) I mariated in Soysause and mirin and then grilled it. God dam its bloody nice. So its 1 big spoon of soysauce and half a spoon of mirin, dry the fish first with a paper towel, add to the mariated sauce and then it infuse. About 30mins and its ready, u can leave it for longer if u want. Then just grill it. Perfect!!