Diet Ticker

Monday 5 December 2011

Another year

Super duper another year at Nisshin Chubu daiigakko ;)
If im get the same amount of classes still get Thursday's off it will be super duper ;)
I think I can pull that off too. Also Im gonna try and ask if I have a free period can I have it the last period of the day. Then I can go home to Jun ;) good plan.
Of course Ill be doing other things aswell
LOL the president of the school said I needed to lose weight when we had a small talk about my next year work
This is how it went.

Lee can i have a talk with u about next year
how about next year?
I said sure, here?
of course
(shake hands)
He then comment on my baby face and that u shaved ur beard off
I said every year im a little worried aboout Dec and this talk
he laughed and he said u should be worried about losing weight
I dont care of his comments im just happy I got another year contract!!

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Round 1

This morning my I woke up at 5.30 switched on the computer my wife woke up and started putting the washing away. I told her to leave that and go back to bed. She told me to get the obento box, The rice had been in there the day b4 which I never ate. So i thrown it away. She came in saying about the rice, I said Ok dont worry Ill make my own Obento box. She said I really hate that u throw the rice away like that I really hate it, and u made me very mad. I could have used that for Fried rice or something (sigh) I told her that I forget about that u could used the rice again and Ill leave it in the fridge next time. She said I wouldnt rememeber and u just throw it away again. Im not a rice lover but she is making a mountain out of a mole hill. So she stood behind me telling me go and back ur obento box now, I said I do it later I have got enough time she said now I said no she said now I said no I sort of contiune to go with the follow and piss her off more, taking my time to answer her, She said Ill turn off the computer, I said if u must, so u pulled it from the plug. Probably now when I turn it on again this evening it will have to restored some programs since it not a proper shutdown.
She ordered me to make my obento box, and said again she that Ill do it when I feel like doing off. More to get her since angry I just went to bed for half an hour.
I think she goes off too much crazyness but I wont tolrate being spoken to like that esp being order like that. Ill probably make things worst and wide her up more!!!
Easy I made my obento, took a bath for an hour played with my son for a while then heading to work.
Maybe she completed her goal for not me being able to play the computer. I just take things with a grain of salt. I do love my wife ;)

After coming back from England I think my wife thought about how she dont care about my weight and my health and so and due to my fault to i gained weight. Which isnt a good thing esp when my son is growing up but yesterday and today I lost my appetite and thought I should try and lose my weight without my wife knowing about it. What i must do is go and workout or go for walks and get out more with me son.
At work today I weight myself with my suit and slippers on at 154kg. thats my starting weight I have to get down to 140kg my March when Terry and my mother come over. i should ber able to do it I just need to start today ;)

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Thats the fooking way

Srsly that the wrong answer to give me, I was saying 2GF is a pretty horrid class ppl dont care of English, the teach dont care to wake them up and even after I said about one student about using his phone too much he only reply was thats the way they do that.

Thats the most shitty answer ever, how about giving me an answer like how we can stop this behaviour or how can we do it so he isnt able to use his phone.
I always think about getting some sort of jammer for moblie phone frequency

Monday 24 October 2011

4 months

He is now laughing alot more, making alot more noises, he is trying to turn over now, if u place him on his front.. he is kicking his legs more. He likes being lifted up in the air (superman) going upside down (spiderman) and go back on him stomach lying on top of me, (junkun)
He pulling different kind of mouth movements. He drinks water and drinks opai milk and bottled milked. ;)

Wednesday 31 August 2011

getting fed up

My wife consists moans about something and im really getting fed up with it every fucking day she says something, im not doing that right, im not doing, turn off that, u cant eat that, u eat too much what the fuck,, cant u just shut up for a while huh.

Later that evening we argued, discussed how we can improve this and How I can improve on myself so she wont stress so much, stressing her gives her reason to moan.

We want a happy family, we dont want it to be rubbing off on Jun ne. Things seems to be better now.

All i want to do now is to have a sleep in for 8hrs or more.

Monday 29 August 2011

pee wee

When washing clothes make sure that you place washing liquid in the machine otherwise ur clothes will smell like Jun's pee pee ;(

LOL u have to see the funny side of that dont u i guess. The little lad is getting bigger everyday and seems just to be getting cuter!!

Saturday 27 August 2011

Sick and tired of them two

Just thought I air this out there, so Ok I went to England for 5 weeks quit wow. Come back for a weekly pass i got free with it. but it was on my wifes account.
The plan was before to make gold in wow so we have had enough to buy things Rem his wife bella and me but when I come to check the guild bank 5k left in the bank all the items taken out it. Im getting fed up with it ok so im not here but still keep the god dam stuff in the bank huh? They did this back on a different server and then they also transfer servers to another realm I do feel like disbanding real id and not adding them to be honest and playin on the server i did many moons ago, or try do multi boxing with 5 accounts but just is daunting to fork out that much.

Monday 22 August 2011

A rollercoaster ride

Up and down, up and down,
Thats whats my diet feels like, Im back to a 148.10kg in weight. After spending 5 weeks in England I spent most of my days spending time with my mom and dad, The first week I cared about what i ate but after that when my friends came up we drank we ate what we wanted to eat.
It was worth drinking the cider, eating the chocolate, ok I place 8kg or so but now I have to get back down to the nitty grinty of my life and work hard again.
At the moment the weather sucks but that shouldnt make an excuse for me not to go out and take a walk ne

I came back to Japan last Friday, I meet my son (8 weeks old) at the coach station, surprisingly to me he rememmber me and that he didnt get scared when he saw me. (so happy for that). We spent that night at home. it was the first time for me to have a bath with him ( agreat feeling) still weird to pick him up and take care of the neck.
Yesterday I think he was up most of the day, He wouldnt really have a nap, He was wide awake at 6pm and fell asleep at 9pm and has slept for 5hrs now he just awoke had a small feed and then he is back to sleep.

Sunday 22 May 2011

Its been a while

Over the last month, I've stop using the gym, (too hot to train) lame excuse I know. I cant go swimming due to construction of the pool. The only thing ive been doing is still walking in the morning and sometimes in the evening too.

My weight is being on the 138kg 140kg. And now that I can scale at home, the problem is that Ive been scaling every morning instead weekly ;( Thats need to stop ne
Hopefully if i get pass the 138kg it will then start going down little by little instead of jumping back up.

My medicate test was on Thursday thou I didnt drink 'volume' (drink this white sort of paint) and then have an xray to show if u have cancer or not. Last year I took that but this year I didnt take. Also last year I was really bad when they tried to take my blood and I fainted. This year they asked me to lie down on the bed and she took it more way down my arm, No problem want so ever.
I'll find out the results in a few weeks Ill post them up then

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Scales are pissing me off

Today I went to work to scale and im 140.8kg down from last week my a mere 2.2kg. Surely that cant be right. Thats 4.8 pounds. Way too much. so on the 52dc Ive just said ive lost 2.2pounds.
Hopefully by next week Ill be able to scale at home and retain keeping track at home.

Monday 18 April 2011

139.6kg (1.7pounds)

I still cant weight myself at home but at work today I was 143kg thou last week i was 143.8kg I dont its like 3kg difference but I have been weighing myself at hot springs scaled since Ive starting to change my life so Im sticking withm them.

Friday 15 April 2011

We won the Blueberries rights

The price of blueberies are back down to 199yen Im so happy. Im not sure if it was the ppl power that did it or not but I dont care I got me blueberries to the price that seems right :)

Tuesday 12 April 2011

I hate my scales

Even if I get down to 140kg its still says error. I read on the scales I have to be 136kg that means I still have to scale in the Hot springs the problem now is that I have to scale on Saturday's due to the fact that, I've gone back to work. The early times of going to the baths cant be done now :(

This week my diet has been on the rocks. Tuesday my meals were all over the shop. Big breakfast, no lunch, funny dinner, I had fried chicken breast wrapped in cheese. I had two yoghurts, with a pundit of raspberries. I had two crossiants. Half of apple pie.
Thursday I saw me eating. Sushi for lunch, Brown bread and butter for dinner with tomato sauce and half of chicken breast some walnuts
Today I had Cameral creme egg, Half a bar of fruit and nut, no lunch, I come to work to find that I have the afternoon off. I'll hit the gym and then go home. I really need to focus again since going off the rails abit, but least I know not to eat anymore junky food.

Thursday 7 April 2011

The High Rises of Blueberries

Seiyu hasnt had any blueberries for a few weeks before they were 199yen but now they have some they are 297yen. Why haven they gone up? Out of season? They thought that 199 yen was too cheap? Well I havent bought any I probably wont buy them till they come down. They probably wont come down so I bought other fruits that are cheaper

I decided when I'm not going to the gym my cardio days are walking up the hilly part of Seto, twice. Then in the mornings I climb the 15 flights of stairs but only on my cardio days. On my weight training days Ill just walk the routiune along the river.

On Tuesday I went for a new routine called HGM phase 1 recommended by a few members on the forums. I thought I could add triceps and biceps exercises after but to be honest Im too tired to do that, its takes me about an hour to do all the exercises.

Monday 4 April 2011

141kg (2.2 pounds down)

Last week I ate abit more food, thou I felt alot fuller and not so happy with being fullup on evenings. I feel that I should just be nice.

On Saturday I tried doing triceps or Skullcrushers with a dumbbell but had the problem that the weight kept hitting me head. I found a pully cable and that I had to knee down for me to preform the triceps exercises. I did feel the ache the next day thou.
Yesterday was more of just a chilled out day. No cardio and no going to the gym for the weight training.

Thursday 31 March 2011

Biceps hurt

I hit the gym yesterday and on the night they bloody well hurt. I probably will not go Friday but go Saturday, and just have a rest day on Friday.

Also I went swimming its the last day at the pool where its cost no money to get in. I did the pool for 30mins with breast strokes and front crawl (50metres). The pool had been closed for 4 months, but the changing room areas havent changed it. I had to try 3 lockers before one of them worked >.<

Tuesday 29 March 2011


Weigh in 142kg (4.4pounds down)

I want to link this video, no I'm not inlove with bodybuilding, I'm not a homo either I just like this video I'd like to share for all of you to see!!

ITs really more about what they are saying rather than the videos of all the bodybuilders

"Motivation is the stuff that keeps you going every single day. The motivation is on a daily basis, what are you going to do in order to follow through on that spark? So you’ve lit the match, now what? It’s that daily motivation of waking up every morning saying: I want to do it, I want to be the best that I can be because I want to achieve the things that inspire me and make me feel great"

I hear that and its make want to push myself!

Friday 25 March 2011

Going to the gym

On Tuesday I went to the school gym it's free, so I cant complain about it really, but they dont have a barbell, or a squat rack but they have alot of dumbbells.
That day I just worked on all the machines and did dumbbell chest press. I'm off today aswell probably doing the same thing again 3 sets of 12.
Hopefully next week I can get a program and follow that. I suppose the only problem I see if im not doing it correctly but i have the internet to show me how to do them. As long as I'm lifting weights and pushing meself all is good.

Well I went to work did some work, started to head down the stairs to the gym, and thought to myself I cant be arsed. Went home instead.

Monday 21 March 2011

Weigh in: 144kg

Its pissing down of rain today, but I still went out and walking inside the mansion and upthe stairs ;) Twice ;)
So I've been to the Hot springs again today to weigh myself I've lost another 2kg ;)
Pretty shocked, pretty chuffed too! Its been a really good weekend, I've found out that our baby is gonna be a son. I've passed shodan (black belt) in Shorinji kempo, and now I've lost more weight!

Saturday 19 March 2011

First 52 Day Challenge

I am taking part in the 52 Day Challenge in the Men’s Health Forums

I've been browsing that forum for a long time reading ppls comment. So I decided to join up and have a bash at it. This way I can push myself more and maybe a few other ppl can motivate me to get out there and try new things.

Here are my goals for the 52 day challenge

My goals:
CE: 80/104
RT: 15
CT: 21

PG1: 5% challenge (17 pounds)
PG2: To climb my mansion stairs (15 flights of them) 0/18
PG2: Sort out my messy room and turn it into the baby's room

The 5% challenge seems alot, but thats what the challenge is there for.

CE (clean eat) RT (resistance training) and CT (cardio training)

People posts in the forums everyday where you can share your progress as well as talk about a subject that has been choosen by that day's volunteer moderator. It's really put me in a mood where I was to do it. I'm finding that I dont want to give up and just finish the exercises I set out to do.

Wednesday 16 March 2011

6.4 in Shizuoka

Last night another earthquake struck at Shizuoka around 10.30pm the first one was bad, but then the another follow and I began to panic. I told my wife that we should be ready just in case, I guess she is used to them but I'm still not, if we had another one that night, then we are going to sleep at the motherinlaws house. I dont care what u think we going and thats it!!!

No tsumani was warned near where it struck the only possible dmg was a few building that had glass or tiles that came off and a fire at a hotel.

Today nothing in the international websites reported on it.

My weekly feed

My friend asked to have a look at my weekly foods that I have been eating

Monday 7th
Blueberries half a pack 30g
1 Banana, 1 Grapefruit
Mid snack can of tuna
12.30 2 eggs on brown toast
4pm Banana
7.30 Chicken tomatoes cucumber salad
Brocilla, Tofu, Carrots

9am Porridge with Banana, strawberries
11am Grapefruit
1.30 Chicken, spinach, mushrooms, bean sprouts, Brocilla
Fresh pineapple with yoghurt
4pm Banana
7pm Chicken Salad sandwich (just b4 kempo)


8am Porridge & Banana
11am Grapefruit
1pm Brasil/Lemon Chicken 1/2 Breast
Rice, 2 Boiled Eggs Miso soup
4pm Pino (very small icecream) Size has thumb size
7pm Brocilla, Bean sprouts, Mushrooms, Chicken Breast

7am Porridge & Banana
10am Strawberries & Blueberries
12.15 Chicken Sandwich
4pm Banana
7pm Raw fish, Mixed rice, Brocilla, Spinach
Tofu, beans

7.30 2 Brown Toast 2 boiled eggs
11.30 Banana
2.30am 2 Eggs 2 Pics of Bread Rolls, Yoghurt.
4pm Grapefruit
6.30pm Tuna and Tomato sandwich, miso soup

7.30 Grapefruit, Banana, blueberries, meatloaf, Bean Salad. trifle
7pm Grapefruit, Banana apple
(my food was off today)

8.30 1 Egg on toast, Grapefruit, Banana with Tofu milk (milkshake)
11am Orange
12/45 Cumcuber and chicken and brocilla
3pm Coconut roll, plus rice crackers and crisps
6.30pm Brocilla, Carrots, Beans, Tomatoes chicken

Monday 14th
9am Blueberries pack & Banana
11am Orange
12.30 Chicken and Egg Brown sandwich no butter (2pieces)
last piece thou had butter on (1 piece)
4pm Small roasted sweet potato
8pm (waiting for wife to come) Sashimi Tuna, Salad of cabbage, Tomato
egg, tofu, garlic dressing & Brocilla

Tuesday 15th
7.30am quarter of a quarter melon, Blueberries, banana, natural yoghurt
10.30 Banana
1pm white radish, mushrooms, bean sprouts chicken seasame seeds
4pm Grapefruit
6.30 Same as lunch but with 3 egg omlete (b4 kempo)

Monday 14 March 2011

We pray for u all

Our prays go out to them who have lost love ones, and those who are in need of help!
We pray for you all that have been involded in one of the worlds natural disasters!

Shocking news on Friday the 11th of March 3 I was at the Post Office in Seto with MIL, she was talking to Sudai sensei about how to stop the money per month for Shorinji Kempo and be paying yearly instead.
An Earthquake struck!! She said she didnt feel a thing but I feel the build shake alot.
When I reached home many aftershocks appear but the worst was more to come, up North of Japan, Tokyo and above Tidal waves had hit many towns leaving nothjing its path. The earthquake didnt do more damage it was the tidal waves that did it. On the evening the news at said that they found 200-300 dead bodies on the beach were the seas had bought it back to there. Terrible pictures were shown. Its now been the 4th day and ppl are now describing how they lost love ones. Its really sad. It has brought many tears to my eyes. The worst thing about it I want to do something to help them but I feel useless.

On a short note Weigh in 146kg (1 pound in weigh)

Disappointed abit but the weekend I think i ruined it with too much cake I ate and snacks that the kids ate.
Hmm really should have thought more now i have to work hard this week ;(

Thursday 10 March 2011

Pushing too hard??
Yesterday I didnt go for a walk in the morning. But on the night time I pushed myself to go out for a walk.
Today I went for a walk b4 taking the wife to work and then I went for another walk after I took her. In the afternoon I played ping pong for a few hours Im sure my right side is gonna be strong since Im doing the most work it seems on that side, I can feel it ache now abit, TBH im quite hungry now but its nearly bed time its been said dont eat anything b4 bedtime ;(

Just a quick note I had a really bizzare dream one of the teachers from my school and shorinji kempo class was in it, we were riding together and talking what we want to be in the future. She was telling me I should study more, it was so weird.

Monday 7 March 2011

Weigh in days have changed..

Weigh in 146.55kg (lost 3.3 pounds this week)

I'm very happy with this since over the weekend I didnt go for any walks or do any kind of physical exercise.
I've changed the weigh in day coz its just a pain to weigh in on Tuesday when the start of the week is really a Monday. I went to a different Hot Springs today but they use the same scales. The sauna room have a tv in it too so it keeps ur mind off the heat for a while esp if something interesting to watch ;)
Last week in was bloody politics I just tried to listen to the words that I could understand but even politics for me is a boring subject to watch or to listen to.
Played table tennis today for a good hr and after went to the pool for a 30min swim.
For some reason thou today I really have stomach ache, not like stomach ache more like stomach muscle ache yet I didnt doo anything physcial over the weekend >.<

Only 6kg to go before I can start using the scales at home 0.o

Tuesday 1 March 2011

With legs

Weigh in 148kg

Went to the Hot springs today and weighed in there.
In the afternoon we went swimming. For some reason when I swim I really dont use much of my legs. MIL suggested that I should use them more but after doing 2*25metres doing front crawl with my legs I was so out of breath. Then the next 2 I would work in the pool just to recover from to get my breathe back and then go for another 2 more with front crawl with using legs again. Then again go to recover time.
Its abit strange when I use my legs it feels im using my arms more too. I'm moving more faster up and down the pool, but its just so tiring :(

I so want to use my crossbike but at the weight Im at now I feel that I could do damage to the bicycle... At least get down to 140kg? Hmm what the weight when I first bought it I think I was about 135kg? Or is that weight I can use the Wii fitness bored coz at 135kg I able to use that >.<

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Weigh in is 149.1kg

Hmm but thats not my normally scales that I used since i cant get to work just to use the scales I think its best to use the ones in the Hot springs place.
I've now been abit worried that Im eating too less lol or eating too much, alot of ppl count calories and alot of ppl recommend of doing it but I really cant be assed to seat down and research every bit of food that I eat and how much calories they are.
Ppl say to eating 6 meals a day is the best way and just make them small portions. But how big is a right portion?
I've tend to go with Breakfast, mid day snack fruit or yoghurt, Lunch, 4ish a piece of fruit, yoghurt or a can of tuna. 7ish, Dinner
Earlier I saw a post and made me happy inside and now I can rest my mind

"I don't count calories. If I gain too much I eat less. If I lose too much I eat more. Smiler But get your protein and eat a ton of veggies. Drop any added sugars and stick to water, milk, green tea, oolong tea coffee and tea (unsweetened)."

Thats made me day ;)

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Weigh in is 151.9kg (2.2 pounds down)

I must be nuts getting up at 6am to go for a walk before work, I thought I would just do 40mins walking with added some hills and shit to the routine. My god I was knackered before I got half way. On the way back it was mostly flat. An hour later I got home there is no way I'm climbing them stairs today. I could really feel the strain on my ankles hopefully it can only get better the less I weigh.

In the afternoon I went to the school gym, ppl say that lifting weight is good for burning calories after doing it just to try it out, Im still not too keen on lifting weights. I think I'm going to ache tomorrow its already 5pm here and i can feel my back muscles and shoulder muscles feeling different already ;(

Sunday 13 February 2011

Things to do..

Well every 2nd year the car has to go into a service ( I guess like MOT in the UK)
Nothing really wrong with the car, my wifes cousins work for a garage about 1.5hrs away but worth going since we get a free extra done to the car for free ;)
He was telling us his story when he went to Nagano to meet Norimasa and stay with him for the weekend and hiked up a mountain.
Thats got me thinking I should be doing that hiking up mountains. I have always got free accomadition if i go up there. So I've decided to train more on walking more and climbing my 15store mansion more often. I've got new enegry to start walking everywhere :) I must push myself...

Saturday 12 February 2011

Italian Buffet

After going to a shrine to bless the wife's supporting belt to bring good luck and the safety of the born of the baby. We went to an Italian restaurant for a buffet, we ate alot. I ate alot of soft whip icecream but was really surprised to see MIL eat so much for such an old lady.
I guess u can call that a treat. In the evening went for a 40mins walk.

Tuesday 8 February 2011


Weigh in 152.8kg.(3pounds lost)
Pretty impressive really yet again haven't done any exercises just did a walk for 40mins on Saturday night and that's it for last week. Pretty terrible really!
Spoke to Shane (good guy meet him through World of Warcraft). He was saying that if u really want to lose weight u have to put 100% u cant wake up in the morning and say its too cold to go for a walk. Stop making lame excuses and do it. You have a good reason to lose weight that you have a baby on the way. After talking to him my motivation was sky high. So no more excuses lets see how I go.

Friday 4 February 2011


Totally forget about me dancing to Heavy Rotation and singing to 'Sakura no Hanabiratachi' for 3rd years ceremony on Thursday. So on Wednesday we practise from 4 till 9 the dance routine. Tbh I was pretty worried about it but we can only do the best we can on Thursday. It went pretty well, the main teachers dressed up to look like school girls and we dance at the back of them. It went pretty well till the last bit of it and I cocked up but after looking at the video its seem to go alright.
Today's reaction from student were pretty much a mixture of comments, but at least most ppl enjoyed it.
I'll have a video that I'll post up later next week and a few pictures ne

Wednesday 2 February 2011

An extremely busy day yesterday. I didn't finish until 8pm then had to pick the wife up from work before going training. I was darn hungry and wanted to eat sushi but didn't go since the wife wanted to go home, so after dropping her off I went to the supermarket to buy something for my dinner and bought bread that was half price and a bar of chocolate. Of course I regret eating it and was worried that I put weight on. This morning when I went to check, I found out that my weight was the same.
TBH I'm over the moon that I haven't put weight on and how I controlled my control over buying more chocolate bars. So this week I need to workout more and going walking in the mornings.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Couldn't get on the scales yesterday, since work was closed.
Today's weight is 154.4kg
Haven't really done much exercise either. Eating healthy thou. Thursday I went swimming and Friday did kempo, must admit thou we did alot of kicking and some new movements with kicking combo's.
The long weekend didn't really do any exercises really, its been snowing everyday but has been melting by midday. Its just been too bloody cold to go out at -3.

Monday 24 January 2011

Today, is the day that I weigh myself every Monday.
So my weight today is 155.6kg. weighed at work my scales at home go to the max 140kg ;(
Im not going to measure my body size but do that every month. I think its too troublesome to do that just as counting calories.

With my classes starting at 11am I thought I would hit the school gym at school and just try some light weights but really couldn't get in the mood to do reps.
I really think I have a problem in the gym. I really don't like upper body exercises and that burning feeling when you get when them last 3 or 4 reps to go, hurt like hell.
I really want to skip.. How can i get over that boundary? How can I go to the gym and enjoy doing them execrises. No body can tell me here coz no body reads my blog.
hmmm maybe I should ask another blogger??

This evening I went swimming, I can go swimming for free if i go with the mother-in-law. At the moment I can only go swimming Monday's Thursday's and the weekends.
The other days Im busy with other stuff, like on Tuesday's and Friday's I go to Shorinji kempo and Wednesday's I have a private class.
3 or 4 times a week I have to go and pick the wife up from work so keeps me from doing alot of stuff in the evening and normally I would be at home waiting for that call to pick her up.

I made a badass pasta dish this evening.
Chicken (mariated in Basil oil/paste),mushrooms, diced onions, and acan of chopped tomatoes.
I guess ppl say dont eat pasta dishes at night time. (I think pasta is high in carbs)
I'm still reading up about what to eat or not to eat.
I generally have a good idea about the food whats protein, carbs and fats. Abit unsure on unsaturated and saturated fats are, but in time I'm sure I'll be reading up on it.
And all the bullsshit about how much % of carbs I need to eat a day or how much protein I need.
I've always gone about when trying to diet, exercise and eat healthier, drink plenty of water, just the simple stuff. TBH i will not count the calories daily!
I'm sure its law in the UK that all calories, fats, protein is written on the packages of the food that you buy.
But in Japan its not and some foods dont have them printed on. so I'm not going to seat down and search for the calories of the food I'm about to eat. Like I said, eat healthy, cut down on portion size I guess, Do some exercises, and see how that goes.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

It starts

If u followed this blog u already might know what i mean...
I weighed in at 158.3kg
I cant doddle about the past Just the now and present!!
I can do it!! Be strong willed !!

I cant scale at home so I'm doing it a first office at work since the scales go up to 160kg.

Also I've measured my body size


Tbh I dont think I'll lose anything off my neck but we will see ne....

Tuesday 18 January 2011

i do not

158kg last time I scaled myself. I cant seem to get in the mood, I eat chocolate alot. I cant seem to stop eating it! Oh i so want to try but my heart doesnt seem to be in, I have a baby on the way at end of June
I must try mustnt I.
I should start to measure my waist my chest and my neck and write it down
So Yesterday I just ate alot of chocolate here is the list that I can remember
3 snickers bars
4 HI Milk bars (mejii)
White choc icecream
Beef crisps
Honey Bread
3 bottles of Orange juice
Dars chocolate
Cheesecake stick

This is the food i ate yesterday, I didnt eat a normal healthy breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Manners costs nothing!!

That's what you think right? Yet you say that Japanese are really kind people?
Maybe so but in the school that I work for the manners don't seem to exist....
I don't really talk about work in here. I prefer not to but I think I might just start talking about it to let off some steam!
So were in class yesterday (1st year with Murisaki) an Japanese english teacher who went to France to study French and as a French english accent.
I was asking questions about what they did the new year, when a moblie went off in class. We asked the member of the moblie phone to owe up and give it it, but no-one said anything. Murisaki got pissed off major and told them to all stand up and waited for someone to hand the phone in. No one did. He told the class on bad it was and how can u let ur fellow students stand up for ur mistake but still noone owned up. They stood up for 10 mins b4 letting them seat down, He was explaining stuff abut it in class while two students were sleeping.
NO manners at all.
The problem is that he let them sit down, He should have either walked out the class and let them talk among themselves or let them stand for the whole entire time in class.
He told me that he would tell the home room teacher but by then its too late. Coz next time it happens u arent going to get that phone.

2) At school. We waiting to get off school bus. One student just stand up and barges into the line, he doesnt say anything he doesn't jester anything he just stands and goes.
3)I'm in the cafe, eating my lunch earlier, there is a pot noodle on the desk there is litter on the floor from the pot noodle yet the bin is 1 meter away from the desk, yet they have no left the stuff there. Don't they feel guilty leaving stuff around? I would.. I do...

Monday 17 January 2011

Icy Roads...

All day yesterday the heavens opened and it snowed for hours. In the evening it stop but it just frozen over.
This morning getting up early, coz I wont be able to use the car i to get to work, no studless tires nor no tire chains. Its not worth the risk!!!
On the news on TV, its said there was a warning that more heavy slow is on its way.
I phoned school, my boss,and my work colleague but got no answer. Whats the point of them giving my their numbers that I cant get threw to them.
I also get a bloody answer machine from my bosses phone, and he never phones me back when I leave a message on it anyway

I still decided to catch the school bus that the kids take to school its passes where I live Im sure it would be easy to catch. An hour and 10mins later it came.
The bus seats were god dam small or I was god dam too big for them. I think most of the students where using there phone by listening to music a few playing on the PSP.
The two infront of me were playing with their hair, trying to style it right.
Took about 30mins to get to school.
Today I finish at 2.20pm due to 3rd years going home earlier this week but I wont be able to go home earlier coz i have to wait for the school bus which leaves at 4.40pm.
Normally it leaves at 3.50 but on Mondays we have classes to the 7th period.
Oh well I could waste 3000yen to catch a taxi back or wait 2.5 hrs for the school back.