Diet Ticker

Sunday 22 May 2011

Its been a while

Over the last month, I've stop using the gym, (too hot to train) lame excuse I know. I cant go swimming due to construction of the pool. The only thing ive been doing is still walking in the morning and sometimes in the evening too.

My weight is being on the 138kg 140kg. And now that I can scale at home, the problem is that Ive been scaling every morning instead weekly ;( Thats need to stop ne
Hopefully if i get pass the 138kg it will then start going down little by little instead of jumping back up.

My medicate test was on Thursday thou I didnt drink 'volume' (drink this white sort of paint) and then have an xray to show if u have cancer or not. Last year I took that but this year I didnt take. Also last year I was really bad when they tried to take my blood and I fainted. This year they asked me to lie down on the bed and she took it more way down my arm, No problem want so ever.
I'll find out the results in a few weeks Ill post them up then