Diet Ticker

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Scales are pissing me off

Today I went to work to scale and im 140.8kg down from last week my a mere 2.2kg. Surely that cant be right. Thats 4.8 pounds. Way too much. so on the 52dc Ive just said ive lost 2.2pounds.
Hopefully by next week Ill be able to scale at home and retain keeping track at home.

Monday 18 April 2011

139.6kg (1.7pounds)

I still cant weight myself at home but at work today I was 143kg thou last week i was 143.8kg I dont its like 3kg difference but I have been weighing myself at hot springs scaled since Ive starting to change my life so Im sticking withm them.

Friday 15 April 2011

We won the Blueberries rights

The price of blueberies are back down to 199yen Im so happy. Im not sure if it was the ppl power that did it or not but I dont care I got me blueberries to the price that seems right :)

Tuesday 12 April 2011

I hate my scales

Even if I get down to 140kg its still says error. I read on the scales I have to be 136kg that means I still have to scale in the Hot springs the problem now is that I have to scale on Saturday's due to the fact that, I've gone back to work. The early times of going to the baths cant be done now :(

This week my diet has been on the rocks. Tuesday my meals were all over the shop. Big breakfast, no lunch, funny dinner, I had fried chicken breast wrapped in cheese. I had two yoghurts, with a pundit of raspberries. I had two crossiants. Half of apple pie.
Thursday I saw me eating. Sushi for lunch, Brown bread and butter for dinner with tomato sauce and half of chicken breast some walnuts
Today I had Cameral creme egg, Half a bar of fruit and nut, no lunch, I come to work to find that I have the afternoon off. I'll hit the gym and then go home. I really need to focus again since going off the rails abit, but least I know not to eat anymore junky food.

Thursday 7 April 2011

The High Rises of Blueberries

Seiyu hasnt had any blueberries for a few weeks before they were 199yen but now they have some they are 297yen. Why haven they gone up? Out of season? They thought that 199 yen was too cheap? Well I havent bought any I probably wont buy them till they come down. They probably wont come down so I bought other fruits that are cheaper

I decided when I'm not going to the gym my cardio days are walking up the hilly part of Seto, twice. Then in the mornings I climb the 15 flights of stairs but only on my cardio days. On my weight training days Ill just walk the routiune along the river.

On Tuesday I went for a new routine called HGM phase 1 recommended by a few members on the forums. I thought I could add triceps and biceps exercises after but to be honest Im too tired to do that, its takes me about an hour to do all the exercises.

Monday 4 April 2011

141kg (2.2 pounds down)

Last week I ate abit more food, thou I felt alot fuller and not so happy with being fullup on evenings. I feel that I should just be nice.

On Saturday I tried doing triceps or Skullcrushers with a dumbbell but had the problem that the weight kept hitting me head. I found a pully cable and that I had to knee down for me to preform the triceps exercises. I did feel the ache the next day thou.
Yesterday was more of just a chilled out day. No cardio and no going to the gym for the weight training.